Monday, August 25, 2008

Synopsis of Coop Meeting 23.8.8

A quick update on our last meeting. We discussed:

Tasks that had been undertaken - shipment order, formation of committees including steering committee, decisions about interior decor, progress on increasing stock, research on organics
Upcoming activities - film on Cuba's Green Revolution, Reusable Bags fundraiser, Dining on the Farm fundraiser. Help is needed for the fundraisers. Volunteer your time and resources.
Commitment - much of the meeting centered around the issue of commitment. How is it possible to build commitment to a coop when our society may already have a problem with commitment, accountability and loyalty? What would help to build this commitment? How does commitment already manifest in the shop?
There was a fair amount of serious discussion on this and also some good laughs. Email us your thoughts or comment below.

This week, Robert Goderre, the future owner of the shop and coop member, will be engaging with the decor in a big way. Come offer your help! Or moral support!

Dues, contributions, draw down amounts are due now. Come by the shop and make sure to take your receipt with you.

Upcoming events
Film on Cuba's Green Revolution will be shown on Tuesday August 26th at 6:30 PM on Sydenham Ave in St. Anns. Email us at for directions.
Next coop meeting will be Saturday August 30th from 4 - 6 PM. Please RSVP if you can.

That's it for now.

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