Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gratitude List I

I am engaging in a fun exercise for the next 10 days. Every day, on all of my blogs - and I have 3 - I am adding in a list of things for which I am grateful in addition to my other posts.

For Tuesday August 12th I am grateful for:

Supportive Staff. Today in particular Petra in the kitchen figured out some good things, and was responsive to my requests to bake a couple of extra things.

A feeling of lightness. Now that there is so much help from others in the evolving cooperative, I do not feel as weighted down with solo responsibility.

Sailing Camp. My son is thrilled with his experience and I get some clear hours to buckle down. Mutual satisfaction

A good broker. My broker - Glenroy Andrews - called me to see if I had a shipment coming in. He is a very funny man and has really really gone out of his way for me. He deserves a big mention.

Delicious Chinese Wax Apples - One of my friends said that they taste like packaged water! Amazing how nature has found some fruit and vegetables that are just like bottled water but without the plastic poisons.


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