You may wonder what an organic store has to do with spirit. Is there anything that is not to do with spirit? For me, spirit is the inside energy that keeps our world in order, that inspires us to act as more than material beings, and that reconnects us with everything else that is. And what better way is there to be in tune with spirit than by getting your fingers deep in soil, seeing plants grow with just a bit of water and loving care, and by listening to chickens cluck. The backyard (or front porch or window box) is one of the best places for us to have a weekly worship and thanksgiving ceremony.
For me the moments when I can enjoy that deeper connection include:
Listening to anything by Deva Premal especially her song ' Yemaya Assessu'
Lying in bed with my sleeping children at my side and seeing them at rest after long engrossed days
Holding a freshly picked Red Leafed Lettuce (I am not kidding - ask the crew at Sun Eaters about the odes that I sometimes sing to them)
Listening to dry season breezes just before sunset
And how much I sometimes need these connected moments. Especially when I become engrossed in the tasking mode. Or become worried about the outcome of some event. Or hear messages from my body that don't seem like what I want to hear. At times like this it is so useful to hear/see/feel something that reassures me that I am not alone in my experience. And so this musing sends a thank you to all the sprites out there who keep me company, the spiritual backs on which I can lean, and the reconnection cheerleaders who give me encouragement when it seems that I cannot take one more challenge.
Eternal Gratitude.
Followed from familyrun...thanks for such a thought-provoking post. I must say that I've read much more and really enjoy your blog. What wonderful work you do in your neighborhood to help the planet!
Enjoy your writing very much. My family and I are downsizing and moving this summer- wow! Looking forward to your next entry- hope your rv-ing is going well, m'dear.
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