Well, today took the cake. I can only say thank god that I am vegetarian and that the global food crisis has not yet arrived. My first two chickens ran away - only to reappear briefly 3 months later. The next two were killed by the cat next door. And then finally today I got a rooster and a hen to add to my collection.
All I can say is that I never saw anything run so furiously as that rooster did on accidentally falling out of a hole in the bag. I was transporting him and his sister from Petit Valley. So there we were on Sydenham ave, him with his legs spread as widely as they could be, making the new world record look slow. And if there was anyone around to laugh, I would be hearing the cackling a mile away as I stood dumbfounded, the other chicken still in the sack in my hand, my computer in a bag on my back, my handbag lolling at my side and a skirt almost touching the ground trying to decide how to catch this crazy creature.
And so picture me tucking the skirt in my hip and the two of us running each other around for 15 minutes. And then me with a few towels in hand trying to now catch the hen who had run out of another hole and now herself was squawking and flying and running and flapping wings and hiding in a canal until finally she stopped, still hiding her head as though I could not see her. So I dropped the towels on her and put her in a bucket - wrapped up in towel - and deposited her in the cage.
If I had to consider the energy efficiency of this transaction: there is no way that eating those scrawny chickens could give me back what I expended trying to catch them. No way!
So I know that I need time to master this 'grow your own food' thing. I hope that the food crisis can wait for me to get good at these parts. I need those chicken eggs when times get touch.
1 comment:
Gillian, you gave me the laugh of my afternoon. you sure do have a way with words.
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